George Edward Stanton and Beatrice Ann Knight were my Great Grandparents. Their daughter Esther Lorraine Stanton was my Grandmother. Like the family My Grandma S married into I don't know much about George and Beatrice. At least not from any records I can find. I do know from the 1930 Census that George was born about 1895 in New York and that Beatrice was born about 1903 also in New York.

Now at first we thought Beatrice had been born in England. However, in the only Census in which she is listed states that she was born in New York, as well as her parents. I have to go with what the census says for now since I can not locate a birth or marriage certificate for either George or Beatrice. I also do not know either of their parents names. The only thing anyone seems to know about these two is what you would call a forbidden love story.

According to family tradition, Beatrice was born in to a wealthy family. She somehow meet George, who seems to have made his living as a farmer, fell in love, and apparently ran off and married him. The story goes on to say that Beatrice's parents did not approve and basically disowned her.

Now, Beatrice and George seem to have married around 1930, maybe even 1929. Their first child, my Grandmother, was born the 15 October 1931 in New York. Their second child, my Uncle Eddy, was born abt. 1933 also in New York. Now this is what we know for a fact, kind of.

This is where the whole tragic love story comes in. Apparently, either Beatrice died after giving birth to Uncle Eddy, not long after or maybe a year or so after his birth. My Grandmother always told us that they were very poor during The Depression. There was never enough food and her mother died of starvation so that the kids could eat. The fact is that by 1935 Beatrice is dead and her children are found living in an Orphanage in 1940. I can narrow down her death to between 1933 and 1934 because the 1940 Census asks if people where living in the same place in 1935, which stated that the children had been living there in 1935. I have not found a death or burial record to confirm anything, this is all guess work.

Now you may ask, where was George? Why wasn't his children with him? Well times where hard and George was a Farmer. He probably could not take care of the children after Beatrice died. So the state took them. I did find George in the 1940 Census though. He is working as a Farm Hand on the Farm of Frank and Hilda Berney, not to far from his children. I can find nothing else about George. I don't know if he remarried or when he died.

My Grandmother told me that when she was little and still at the orphanage her Father came to see her. He told her that he was working to get her and her brother out and back with him. My Grandmother never saw him again. She and her brother were adopted while they were still young. My Grandmother did tell me that one day when she came home from school there was a message. An elderly couple where looking for the Stanton children. My Grandmother never saw them and they never called or tried contacting the family again.

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